Article 17317

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Chikileva Elena Nikolaevna, Leading expert, Scientific Innovative Educational Center of the Innovative Scientific-educational and Experimentalindustrial Center “Nanostructured Composite Materials”, Belgorod State Technological University named after V. G. Shukhov (46 Kostyukova street, Belgorod, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. One of the topical problems of modern reality is the creation of a system of available, high-quality and efficient education. Here, the role of education as a social institution is especially important. It is determined as the underlying factor providing social order and social space regulation. In coditions of socioeconomic transformations, renewal of legislation, changes in the educational policy it becomes especially urgent and necessary to constantly develop professional skills, to reskill personnel for other occupations and to ensure personal development. In this connection the role of additional vocational education (AVE) is particularly significant. AVE remains at the stage of industrialization turning into a special segment of the Russian educational system. The aim of the sociological research carried out was to identify needs of the production sector of the economy to implement educational programs of additional vocational education and to determine the level of employers’ satisfaction with the existing AVE system.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented by carrying out a sociological survey among directors of enterpises of small, medium and large business of Belgorod region, and by analyzing the survey results.
Results. The author completed a complex analysis of AVE in Belgorod region from the point of view of employers. The obtained data are reasonable to use when reforming regional AVE systems for the purpose of development and optimization.
Conclusions. The research carried out allows to comprehend the real situation and actual functioning problems of the AVE system in Belgorod region, to determine the conditions and paths of improvement.

Key words

additional vocational education, reskilling, competency, employment assistance, social and vocational adjustment

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